
End time
2024-04-30 12:00:00

Fill in at least 1 skill to best describe your project. Freelancers will use these skills to find the projects they are most interested in and have experience with.

Fill in at least 1 skill to best describe your project. Freelancers will use these skills to find the projects they are most interested in and have experience with.

Fill in at least 1 skill to best describe your project. Freelancers will use these skills to find the projects they are most interested in and have experience with.

Fill in at least 1 skill to best describe your project. Freelancers will use these skills to find the projects they are most interested in and have experience with.

2 contestants
End time
2024-04-12 15:00:00

The contest is held to solve common business accounting entries

Processing accounting data

Outline the fastest steps to prepare financial statements

The contest is held every year in April

For all accountants

The contest opens on April 3, 2024

There are attached documents

2 contestants
End time
2024-04-10 03:00:00

The competition is held at district level

All elementary school candidates are eligible to apply

Will review and select all qualified documents

The organized competition will go through the following rounds:

Select profile

Admission and mock test on March 30, 2024

5 people participated in the contest
End time
2024-03-31 12:00:00

PHP is a scripting programming language or a type of code mainly used to develop server-side, open source, general-purpose applications. It is very suitable for the web and can be easily embedded into HTML pages. In the article below, the network administrator wants to send readers a set of multiple choice questions on this topic for your reference.

Online Exam 250 Multiple Choice Questions for PHP Programming

1 contestant
End time
2024-02-29 12:00:00

As the only representative of TD agencies participating in the WOW Viettel final round, the 'coders' of the IT department brought many interesting things mixed with "wow" through their performances

The message of the Information Technology (IT) Department's entries is the transfer of technology between the past and present. In particular, the image of "coders" wearing military uniforms is also a symbol of Viettel people from the early stages, along with the country's technology.

2 contestants