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SSOFT - Impossible Is Nothing
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How to write a winning bid

Great bids are ones that:Are engaging and well written without spelling or grammatical errorsShow a clear understanding of what is required for this specific project - personalize your response!Explain how your skills & experience relate to the project and your approach to working on it. Most of all - don't spam or post cut-and-paste bids. You will be penalized or banned if you do so

PHP basic knowledge contest

Posted 9 months ago
Ends in 0 days

PHP is a scripting programming language or a type of code mainly used to develop server-side, open source, general-purpose applications. It is very suitable for the web and can be easily embedded into HTML pages. In the article below, the network administrator wants to send readers a set of multiple choice questions on this topic for your reference.

Online Exam 250 Multiple Choice Questions for PHP Programming

Necessary skills


Prize 1: 200 USD