Freelancer's Privacy Policy



Update date: July 1, 2024
Effective date: July 1, 2024


Your privacy is an important factor for website (referred to as VietNam-Work website). Please read this User Information Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Privacy Policy") carefully because it is part of the Terms of Use to manage the use of Services on the VietNam website. Work. This Privacy Policy Notice explains:

  • Your personal information is processed by VietNam-Work website when you use VietNam-Work website Services.

  • How VietNam-Work web processes your personal information when you use VietNam-Work web Services.

  • Purpose of VietNam-Work website collecting and processing your personal information.

  • Right to access and correct your personal information.

  • Third parties to whom VietNam-Work website may disclose your personal information.

  • Mandatory or voluntary provision of personal information and consequences when you refuse to provide personal information in mandatory cases.

  • How VietNam-Work website maintains the confidentiality and security of your personal information.

This Privacy Policy will apply to the use of VietNam-Work web Services immediately after VietNam-Work web has sent notice and received your approval. If you do not want to accept the Terms of this Privacy Policy, you should not continue to use VietNam-Work web Services. If you continue to use the Services of VietNam-Work website, you have expressed your agreement to be bound by the Terms of this Privacy Policy.


  1. When registering for VietNam-Work website Services

    • When registering for any VietNam-Work web Service, you will be asked to provide certain personal information to set up your account and to authenticate your identity in accordance with current law. (including updates).

    • Any personal information requested by VietNam-Work website is marked "Required", you must provide and agree for VietNam-Work website to process this information. If you do not agree to provide this personal information and/or do not agree to let us process the information according to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, VietNam-Work website will not be able to provide related services and Your registration for the service will be declined.

  2. From your use of VietNam-Work web Services

    • We collect personal information directly from you when you choose to participate in any VietNam-Work website Services. Below are examples of personal information that VietNam-Work website may collect directly from you: age, date of birth, landline or mobile phone number, personal image, education, interests. personal preferences, work experience, access history, job search, application, other information related to your CV, information related to the use of calculators salary, multiple choice test:

      • If you choose to add referees in your profile, the VietNam-Work website will request the names, phone numbers, emails, job positions and other specific information of these people. This information will be attached to your resume and the employer may contact the person referring that resume to get reference information for your resume.

      • If you want VietNam-Work website to stop processing your personal information, VietNam-Work website will not be able to provide related services to you.

    • By accessing and agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy, you have allowed VietNam-Work website to collect, process and control your personal information for the purposes stated in Article 2 of this Agreement

  3. When you access VietNam-Work web Services

    • When you access any website belonging to the VietNam-Work system, our website server will automatically collect your access information at these websites, including IP address, time, date. and access duration. Your IP address is a unique identifier for your computer or other access device.

    • VietNam-Work can track your access to any website belonging to the TopCV system, by installing a "cookie" on your computer or other access devices when you log in. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer or other access device by websites you visit. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as provide information to the owners of websites.

    • Cookies allow VietNam-Work to save your data status so you will not have to log in again the next time you visit. Cookies also help VietNam-Work collect anonymous traffic data streams to track user trends and patterns. VietNam-Work may use anonymous traffic data streams to help advertisers provide better targeted advertising.

    • You can remove Cookies by following the instructions provided in your Internet browser “help” file. You should understand that certain website content will not be displayed if you set your Internet browser not to accept cookies.

    • VietNam-Work also uses clear codes in HTML format emails to determine which emails have been opened by recipients. This allows VietNam-Work to evaluate the effectiveness of certain media and the effectiveness of the company's marketing strategies.


  1. The purposes for which VietNam-Work processes your personal information are as follows:

    • Identify your identity.

    • Evaluate and/or determine your work ability and creditworthiness.

    • Analyze your profile information to recommend job suggestions to you based on analytical information.

    • Share your job search data and candidate profile with employers

    • Provide one of the VietNam-Work Services that you have requested.

    • Operate and manage the Services provided to you by VietNam-Work.

    • Contact you regarding issues related to the use of VietNam-Work's Services.

    • Improve your chances of changing jobs or arranging specific services for you.

    • Verify your educational and professional qualifications by contacting schools/colleges/universities/research institutes/professional bodies.

    • Processing requests during the process of using VietNam-Work's Services that you have requested.

    • Investigate and resolve complaints or other concerns you submit to VietNam-Work regarding the VietNam-Work Services.

    • Monitor and improve the performance of VietNam-Work Services.

    • Maintain and develop VietNam-Work's Services.

    • Understanding your information and communication needs in order for VietNam-Work to enhance and adjust VietNam-Work's Services.

    • Conduct research and development and statistical analysis related to VietNam-Work Services to identify trends and develop new services that meet your interests.

    • VietNam-Work Support understands your browsing preferences so VietNam-Work can tailor content accordingly.

    • Detect and prevent fraudulent activities, scams, and violations of law.

  2. You cannot limit the processing of your personal information to the purposes specified in Clause 1 above because this is your purpose when using VietNam-Work's services and a way for VietNam-Work to respond to your request. your service. If you do not consent to VietNam-Work processing your personal information for the above purposes, you must terminate your relevant agreement with VietNam-Work for the VietNam-Work Services and stop using the Services. Services provided by VietNam-Work.

  3. VietNam-Work will request your consent before processing personal information beyond the items specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

  4. In addition, VietNam-Work may use your personal information for the following purposes:

    • Promote and introduce to you:
      - Other services of VietNam-Work such as: Job introduction, Course introduction, events, news, Employer connection,...
      - Services of third parties that VietNam-Work finds relevant to your interest.

    • Send you congratulatory messages and/or error messages on VietNam-Work websites and/or TopCV Service information.

    • Send you guidance, advice and survey information to maximize your career growth including but not limited to the use of VietNam-Work Services.


  1. VietNam-Work gives you the option to place your CV in the VietNam-Work Resume Database. There are two ways to do it:

    • You may store your profile in the VietNam-Work Profile Database, but do not allow this profile to be searched by Employers or Advertisers or VietNam-Work Account Owners. Partner. Not allowing your profile to be searched means you can use it to apply for jobs online, but Employers or Advertisers or VietNam-Work Partner Account Owners will not have access to search through the VietNam-Work Records Database. .

    • You may allow your profile information and job search data to be searched by or suggested to Employers or Advertisers or VietNam-Work Partner Account Owners. When you choose to have your profile searched or suggested, all of your background information, personal information, and job search data will be visible to Recruiters or Advertisers. or VietNam-Work Partner account owners when they store through the VietNam-Work Profile Database.

    • In case you agree to share with the Employer your job search data information, VietNam-Work will become an intermediary unit connecting and sharing this information with the Employer based on the consent of the Employer. Friend. This connection may incur some fees to maintain the operation of the system, however, all of these fees will be paid by the Employer and the Candidate does not have to pay this fee. .

  2. VietNam-Work endeavors to limit access to the VietNam-Work Records Database to only those registered with the VietNam-Work Services, who may retain a copy of the records. Your profile in their own files or databases. However, in all cases, you are the one who has the right to approve or deny the Employer access to your Profile.

  3. VietNam-Work will take reasonable steps so that parties not mentioned above will not gain access to the VietNam-Work Profile Database, without VietNam-Work's consent. However, VietNam-Work is not responsible for the retention, use or security of any third party's records.

  4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 3.1, VietNam-Work has full access to your records for the purposes set out in Clause 2.1 to perform the VietNam-Work Services.

  5. You can reactivate your account once it has been disabled if approved by VietNam-Work.

  6. In addition to the rights specified in Clauses 1,2,3,4,5 of this Article, you have all the rights of data subjects specified in Article 9 of Decree 13/2023/ND-CP on Protection personal data.


  1. You may have different privacy concerns. VietNam-Work's goal is to clarify the information we collect, so you can make meaningful choices about how it is used. For example:

    • You can control who you want to share personal information with.

    • You can review and control your subscriptions to various marketing options, VietNam-Work Services. You can view, edit, or delete your personal information and favorites at any time.

    • You can choose not to receive any marketing materials from VietNam-Work.

    • You can also register for additional VietNam-Work Services by logging into your account on our homepage.

  2. You may delete your account at any time and VietNam-Work will then revoke all access to your account and records in the database. Deleting your account will not affect resumes that you have sent to Employers or saved by Employers, Account Owners (who want to have a CV) made before the time you Send account deletion request to VietNam-Work.

    Below are the steps for you to delete your account from VietNam-Work's system

    • Send an email to with the subject line "Account deletion request".

    • After VietNam-Work receives the request via email, we will contact you to confirm the information

    • Delete your account from the system and notify us via email within 72 hours from the time of receiving your request.


VietNam-Work will store your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in Clause 2 above and for any legal or business purposes.

After termination or deactivation of your account, VietNam-Work, its Affiliates or Service Providers may retain information (including your profile information) and Content of users within a commercially reasonable period of time for backup, archiving and/or auditing purposes as prescribed by Vietnamese law.


  1. VietNam-Work is committed to protecting your personal information. VietNam-Work has appropriate technical, administrative and physical procedures to protect against loss, theft and misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction of information. Sensitive information (such as bank card numbers, credit card numbers) entered into our payment gateway services or payment partners will be encrypted during transmission using technology. SSL.

  2. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security. If you have any questions about security on VietNam-Work, you can contact us via email


If you have questions about this Policy Notice, please email for the fastest response.