About the employer
Ship Industry Company
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How to write a winning bid

Great bids are ones that:Are engaging and well written without spelling or grammatical errorsShow a clear understanding of what is required for this specific project - personalize your response!Explain how your skills & experience relate to the project and your approach to working on it. Most of all - don't spam or post cut-and-paste bids. You will be penalized or banned if you do so


$300 - $600

Post a job
Posted 9 days ago
Finished in 9 days

Job description

- Monitoring- Testing- Entering data on sales & expenses.

- Check the valid data between internal units, detailed and synthetic data.

- Receive inspection and control of accounting vouchers.

- Receiving, checking payment and accounting generated revenue and expenditure, synthesizing daily revenue.

- Checking, comparing, receivables, payable debts.

- Performing documents and books according to regulations

- Software extract to make statistical statistical reports on each operate.

- Other jobs as assigned by the head of the department


Enjoy health insurance, social insurance and unemployment insurance regimes according to regulations

Being granted a private computer to serve the work

Annually review the adjustment of salary increase

sociable, friendly working environment

Detailed experience / skills

- Education level: College or higher

- With 1-2 years of experience in the equivalent position, priority has experience in the field of manufacturing.

- Mental careful, meticulous, responsible for the job.