About the employer
Vaksindo VN Veterinary Medicine Company Limited
  • About the employer
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  • Email activated

How to write a winning bid

Great bids are ones that:Are engaging and well written without spelling or grammatical errorsShow a clear understanding of what is required for this specific project - personalize your response!Explain how your skills & experience relate to the project and your approach to working on it. Most of all - don't spam or post cut-and-paste bids. You will be penalized or banned if you do so

Sales Accountant At Showroom

$500 - $600

Finish receiving quotes
Posted 2 months ago
Ends in 0 days

Job description

- Consulting, sales at showroom
- Displaying and taking care of goods and images of the Showroom.
- Deploy phone sales and on-site sales.
- Manage documents related to sales.
- General and detailed tracking of sold goods.
- Enter sales data into sales software.
- Report sales results to upper management - Support the system in arising tasks - Perform other tasks when assigned.
- Income: Basic salary + Attractive commission + Hot bonus + Allowance...
- Receive training on product knowledge, Company culture,...
- Other benefits (social insurance,...) according to the provisions of law and the Company.