Ship Industry Company
2 - 10 employees


The company specializes in shipbuilding and mechanical processing


Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 27 days ago
500$ - 1000$
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 1 month ago
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 1 month ago
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 2 months ago
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 2 months ago
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 2 months ago
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 3 months ago
100$ - 150$
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 3 months ago
200$ - 500$
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 3 months ago
500$ - 1200$
Ship Industry Company
0 days left to apply
Created 3 months ago
Contact Info

Hoa Cam Industrial Park - Da Nang

Hotline 0968477898
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